Greetings everyone! Long time, never see, ehh?
I know I really disappeared from my blog and the whole book/blogging world for the better part of this year, and I do apologize for that! And that is the whole reason of this post—to explain what has kept me so busy for the past 7 months!
Right now I am trying to sort through backed up emails (talk about a headache!) and begin to start planning posts for my blog. I’m not sure exactly what my schedule will be like on my blog—I know I won’t be posting as frequently as before or with as many book reviews, but as soon as I get a feel for how often I’ll be posting, or maybe even have a weekly schedule, I’ll be sure to let y’all know!
So, I might as well dive right into my update. 🙂 In the middle of December last year, my life took a very big and a very unexpected turn! I don’t know how to say it to build up any suspense (lol!) so I’ll just saying it like it is.
A single Navy guy who was being stationed here for a few months was visiting our Church…and in the middle of December he asked my dad if he could court me.
We started slow–since neither my parents or I were very familiar with the guy (he’d only been visiting our church a few months), and we called it the “get to know each other” stage. Or, for more simplicity, it was like a “pre-courtship”. He came over and visited with me and the family on a weekly basis, and I got to know him more. Then in the middle of March we began “officially courting”.
Here’s a picture of us, if you’re curious. His name is Dan (which is funny, since I have a brother named Danny, and Uncle named Danny, and three cousins who have names beginning with “Dan”). Since he’s in the Navy, we had a lot of ups and downs around the time that he got his orders. For a while we thought he’d get stationed in my home town, then we thought he’d be just a few states away…it was really crazy for several weeks. There were many, many prayers for God to work in our situation and place Dan where HE wanted him to be.
And when the dust finally settled, we found out he was to be stationed in California.
And for those of you who may not know, I live in Florida.
It wasn’t what we had wanted or hoped for, but after some time to adjust to the whole idea, we both agreed that it shouldn’t be what we wanted for us, but what God wanted for us. And, if you knew the whole story with all it’s crazy twists and turns, you would agree with us that God really wanted Dan out in California.
So, as you can imagine, with the reality facing us that he would be leaving very soon, we spent as much time together as we possible could. And while I am unspeakably thankful for that time we had….it seemed to pass far too quickly!
It’s now been 16 days since Dan left, and while sometimes I think I’m getting used to the whole “long distance” relationship….there are still days that I wish there weren’t over 2,000 miles separating us.
But, I keep looking on the bright side of things — while we are separated now, it’s only for a season. 🙂
So! Yeah, this whole courtship has been the main reason I have not had time to blog or read at all the last few months. We were spending a lot of time together before we found out where he was going to be stationed–because we knew the possibility of him being stationed somewhere far away. (Though neither of us ever imagined California!) So then when we found out it’d be in CA, we spent every spare moment together.
Cosmetology has also been taking up the rest of my time the last few months. This year I’ve been going to school all morning, coming home around 1 o’clock or so. It’s been a really fun experience and I’ve been learning a lot! I’ve discovered I love doing hair styles, cutting hair, and even coloring….but don’t enjoy highlighting, perms, or relaxers as much. But we learn everything and, hey, even if I don’t particularly enjoy it, I still need to know how to do it well. 🙂
I’m set to graduate out of Cosmetology school in December, Lord willing. It’s exciting that I’m more than halfway over–it seems I’ve been going to Cosmetology school for ages! But it’s been a great experience and one I will look back on with fond memories. 🙂
Well, I think that’s about it. Those are really the only two things that have been engulfing my time this year. I hope y’all forgive me for disappearing on you this year. Lord willing, I’m back and will soon be in the swing of things. I can’t wait to get back to visiting all the blogs I used to read on a daily basis. While I won’t be able to commit the time to it that I used to, I will be doing as much as my time will allow. 🙂
So! with all that said, I’d love to hear from y’all! Especially if we used to communicate last year before I disappeared. 😛 How is your blog doing? Any big changes in your life? Can’t wait to hear from ya!
Ruth A. says
Congratulations! Love the pictures. 🙂
Casey says
I expect another post in the not-too-distant future where this cute Navy guy puts a diamond on your finger…you are a keeper after all. 😉
Congrats Katie! You guys are CUTE and now I have the story behind all the FB pictures. You guys will make this long distance thing work. I know you will.
Julie says
Congratulations! What a cute couple you make 🙂 Welcome back to the blog world!
Analiese says
Aw, you make such a cute couple. 😀 May God bless you as you follow His will there.
Looking forward to hearing more from you on LoaW!!
Amber Stokes says
Congratulations, Katie!! That's definitely understandable that you've been scarce – this is an exciting, eventful, and crazy time in your life! Thank you for sharing with us about all that's been going on with you. Always love a good love story! 😉 Sounds like you have a wonderful attitude about this relationship and about your career/field of study. God bless, and welcome back!
Beth says
Katie, wow! I have been wondering about you from time to time as we usually chatted on Goodreads, and I missed your blog posts in my inbox. But, wow, what a marvelous reason to have been "away" for a while.
I can totally relate – my husband – well, before he was my husband, haha, was deployed to Iraq the year before we got engaged. You better believe that the months leading up to that everyone but close friends and family got put on the back-burner. It is very hard to have a long-distance relationship, but as you appear to realized already – so worth it!
You guys look like a beautiful couple. 🙂
Rissi says
Selfishly we've missed you Katie. It's very understandable though that you have been MIA – and all is forgiven. 🙂
CONGRATS to you – on two accounts! First, what a lovely "love story." It sounds like the both of you will be just fine even in the times when you miss each other like crazy. Secondly wow! Good for you getting close to graduation. That's awesome!
Looking forward to some more updates from you. 🙂
Abbi Hart says
Congratulations, that is such awesome news! You guys look so cute together! Dan/Danny/Daniel seems to be such a common name. My best friend's sister just got married to a Danny and has quite the similar situation to yours since her dad was Daniel, grandpa was Dan, and she had a cousin named Daniel. I think there was another one but I can't remember. So funny!
Charity U says
Awww…you two so CUTE! I love it. 🙂 And I love this whole story. And I can't wait to hear how it all resolves. SO HAPPY FOR YOU, girl! I've definitely missed seeing you in the blogging world but…you made the right choice in putting him first. 🙂 Yay!
Katie McCurdy says
Ruth – Thank you!
Casey – Awww, I know, I'm looking forward to posting that news, too 😉
Thanks, it's been a challenge, but Lord willing, in the end, we will come out stronger and closer as a couple because of it.
Julie – Thanks! It's nice to be back 😀
Analiese – Thank you, very much. It's amazing how much He has been moving in our relationship already. 🙂
Amber – Thanks girl! It's been an exciting year – one of my friends said since I like adventure books so much, I should be loving this. But I have found out that it's easier to read about a couple being thousands of miles apart for months on end…then actually living it! 😛
Beth –Oh wow, a whole year! Hearing stories like that makes me thankful that he is still in America and – Lord willing – he will return for a visit before a year has passed. Thanks for sharing!
Rissi –I've missed chatting with you, too! The past few weeks I've been doing a lot of 'catch up', in several areas of my life. 🙂 Thanks!
Abbi – Ha, that is too funny! Yeah, 'Dan' does seem to be very common! Aww, thank you, I think he's pretty cute myself 😉
Charity – 😀 Thanks! It's been an amazing adventure and I'm looking forward to where it is leading. 🙂 Never thought I'd leave my home town, but it looks like it's in my future now! 😉